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What is Faux Bois? Literally Faux Bois translates as False Wood, also called Trabajo Rustico( rustic work). This technique of creating the look of wood made of concrete dates back to the mid 19th Century France. Ricky will teach this technique using this ferro-cement technique. Each participant will create and take home a unique planter suitable for outdoor use as a garden planter. The finished sizes can vary but average 20" in height and width. These planters can be made in a vertical or horizontal orientation. the overall weight is generally about 60-70 lbs. Remember this transporting your pieces, your vehicle must be suitable for transportation. Back seat transit is generally not good for this, a hatchback or other vehicle will be best. There is some hand strength needed for manipulating the wire mesh.  Please send me an email if you have any questions or concerns.Schedule Day 1, 10am-4-5 pm, Day 2, 10am-3pm.

Faux Bois, concrete Sculpting


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